These are the new Stoke City kits 2014/15, Stoke’s new home and away kits for the forthcoming 2014/15 season. The new Stoke strips are the first to be made by Warrior as part of their new deal with the Potters. The shirts were officially unveiled on March 24, 2014 by Warrior
The home kit sticks to the traditional red and white colours, while the away shirt is blue in colour with a sash on it, as can be seen on the pics below.
Buy the new Stoke home shirt at reputed retailers World Soccer Shop
Shop for the away jersey at World Soccer Shop
Looks good, as a Stoke fan, I look forward to maintaining our EPL status next year in these shirts. Unlike other Warrior shirts, both are classic styles and not abstract. These will be a big hit with Potter fans… #ReadytoFire #WEareSTOKE
Very nice touch with the background in the kit pics.
Why were these released so early though? Were they leaked ahead of time somewhere?
If I were Adidas, I wouldn’t be too pleased with Stoke releasing kits from a new partner even before the end of the partnership term.
No Leaked shirts or anything, we only signed a contract with Warrior under a week ago. @Sean
Love them.
How can a club with a world wide fan base (Liv’pool) wear garbage, and Stoke get classy kits like these? Same manufacturer, world wide gulf in class.
Stoke City are a much easier team on the eyes nowadays. gone are the days of Tony Pulis’ requisite hoof-ball tactics, yet crucially they have chosen to abide by the same defensive shape that he implemented before his departure whilst constructing a more adventurous and incisive attacking format. ode to the Potters for their valiant attempt at shaking off their staid reputation!
no ostentatious design elements on the home kit, just simple and clean. i like it very much. the away kit is also decent, offering a good contrast to the first choice kit as it is meant to do.
Dude, this is awesome. Probably the best from warrior so far..
They look really nice. Unlike with Liverpool they didn’t cock up the away kit(s).
How Can stoke get this amazing jersey when liverpool wore their worst jersey of the history?
i like the hone kit and background but the away kit stripe isnt nice enough
As a Liverpool fan I am very annoyed that Stoke don’t have to put up with the multi-coloured abominations we did, but overall top class kits
Nice,but the home somehow reminds me of the 2009/10 kits.Warrior have done a good job
I fear that warrior are going to be making shitty kits for every team in the near future
Home kits really good but i dont really like the away kit’s sach or however you spell it
Love the away kit
home kit much better tan liverpool…